Saturday, November 27, 2004

the last day of my last 2nd trimester..

i've been awake for 23 hours, woke up at 6+ yesterday morning to study for my last paper.

Sat for that paper at 3pm.

- if i ever get a good result for this paper. it must be Your grace again.

Met my fyp supervisor at 545pm.

-glad to have him as my supervisor. Thank God for that. Told us to spent at least 6 hours a week for our fyp. Treat it like in Malaysian Idols contest. Need to at least "do" something every week. Email him a report on every monday of what we did. starting from next week. but next week i'm goin for hols. :D. perhaps i'll emailed him abt my trip :D . chatted for a while.

left to library to return books with my fyp groupmates.

left to AYA at 715pm for powergroup meeting.

-went to Klang for dinner. all girls outing. 9 of us. had Teochew steamboat. had fun. had laughter. got lost on the way back to Cyber. *how blur can i get?, always lead people to the wrong direction, i have no sense of direction*

reached home at 1130pm.

-chatted on ym. met lobak.

230am , went to Hassan with my group of girlfrens to discuss about our hols trip.

- malacca-johore-singapore trip

430. reached home.

read blogs. chatted.

5am- blogged...

still blogging...

521 - time for bed.

good night and good morning.

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