I read with disgust on today's main page report from the Star of our Prime Minister, Abdulah Badawi saying that:
“You have to decide if you want a louder voice in Parliament or representation in the Cabinet where they can be more effective in representing all communities,” the Barisan Nasional chairman said.
“When the MCA lost its voice, the people felt it. I hope they will think very carefully. This is important in the interest of all races,” he added
Full report here (I wanted to link it to Malaysiakini instead, however they didn't carry the news)
I remembered when he came into power in 2003, he said that he's the Prime Minister for all races. So, even if none of the Cabinet ministers are Chinese or Indians, it should not be a problem, IF the PM walks his talk - to take care the affairs of ALL Malaysians regardless of race.
Why is he saying otherwise now?
dont u have better things to do?
I remembered when he came into power in 2003, he said that he's the Prime Minister for all races.
ask urself honestly are u even the same person u were in 2003?
people change and politicians lie
welcome to the real world
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