For me, in this election the RAKYAT had united regardless races and religion behind the BARISAN RAKYAT... and that is something to be proud of.. as a Malaysian - that we can see through the colour of the skins, though a little late (only after 50 years), but late is better than never.
The election campaign in has been going on since last year. For myself, I think it started with the 'Bocor' issue, which had really opened my eyes our on how our government MPs debated in the Parliament, practically turning the House into a zoo as much insults were hurled at the Oppositions MP. Next is Revathi's case - this is how I came across Article 11 which is heavily promoted by Malik Imtiaz and Haris Ibrahim. Then I met RPK (Raja Petra)'s articles in MalaysiaToday that discloses many 'dark scerets' of the gov. Blogs of the opposition MPs like Lim Kit Siang and others also helped to create awareness. It went on with the judiciary scandals, the arrogance and inactions of the Minister and brushing aside many surfacing issues concerning the Rakyat. We were pratically told to shut up and let our elected representative in the gov run the country the way they like it- after all we've given them 90% mandate. Since then, the list continues to sustain itself.
During the campaigning period, came BARISAN RAKYAT which endorsed the
People's Declaration . Six oppositions which endorsed the People's Declaration were known as the Barisan Rakyat - DAP, PKR, PAS, MDP, PSM and PASOK, none from the Barisan National. For me, this is the reason that unite the people. Shouts of "Makkal Sakthi", "Hidup Rakyat" were heard at the ceramahs during the speech of Haris Ibrahim and RPK. Both of them had been the guest speakers, lending their supports to the Oppositions' ceramah. To me, it is clear, to motivation of rejecting BN is due to the common areas I want to see change that can be reflected in the RAKYAT's lives, not so much of race-based issues.
I would just like to extend my thanks to people who I think has helped to influenced the decision of the RAKYAT when casting their ballots last election, besides the Oppositions: Raja Petra Kamaruddin, Haris Ibrahim and Malik Imtiaz. I see hope for Malaysia when I see the work that they're doing.
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