Because of that, i had always wanted to look(act) older, even to look like my own age. I somehow have this inferior complex in me that had me wanting to act older when i'm with my juniors.
Discussed this problem with my friends. They say that it's my character and there's nothing i could do to change it. They told me to accept myself as who I am. ... i'm trying...
Took this pic in June,2005 before i started work. Upon seeing this pic, someone asked me if it was taken when i was a small?*haha*
took this pic in July,2005 after i work ;p
Some girls try to act cute, and that's very annoying. Some girls are well....born with birth defects, oops I mean naturally cute. Muahahahaha. JK la. Good weh for ppl to think you are much younger than you really are.
birth defectss??! >:P >:P
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