it has been only one week after the first trimester started. But somehow it seems like a few weeks to me. Maybe because i'd been very very busy. Almost everynight, i was out for something.
On monday afternoon, i've got to know Dr. Chia, which reminded me of my grandpa. He's a really nice person. Was talking to him for a while, and he told us to enjoy our uni life, don't just study study study. And that, whatever had happened in the past, can't be undone(is there such word?) . We just need to look forward and live our life to the fullest.
At night, we had exhousemates gathering ~ went to puchong for dinner, then to IOI mall. It was great to meet them again after soo long. I really missed them a lot.
Tuesday, attended CF, was supposed to share my industrial training experience. But somehow i got too nervous and tension, screwed up my sharing, and only managed to show them some pictures that i took during my internship. But, truly, i did really learnt a lot. It had expose me to the working environment and also a few new languages and technologies. But the most important thing that i've gained, was my friendship with the MMU trainees as well as my colleuges in BTexact. ;)
Wednesday, went for CG makan. I had to skip my pasar malam trip with my best friends for the CG makan. I really wished to go with them, to spend more time with them, but then again, my CG is my responsibility. I sure hope that, every other GC members will as well, make it thier priority to attend for CG meeting. ;)
Thursday, my friend, Vincent was leaving toUK for one year. I didn't get to send him off at KLIA as i had my CyberChristmas meeting that night. But it's ok, cos the meeting was really great and fruitful, wouldn't want to miss it either.
Friday, was debating if i should go for my church's power group meeting in usj. Somehow, i ended up in the meeting with mich. We had home cook food in Jessy's house (one of my powergroup member) and the sharing was great, about "quiet time". Yes, a reminder.
Saturday, supposedly to have a fyp meeting with my supervisor. However, we can't make it as one of we have to help my groupmember have to shift house. So, we had to postponed our meeting again. And i had a whole pile of works to do for my fyp before meeting him next week.
Talking about living life to the fullest... I think i did for this week. As for next week, i guess it would be as busy if not even busier than this week.
Thank you, Father for pulling me through this, help me to commit the rest of the semester into Your hands. :D
not only for the rest of the sem, but u should surrender urself to God for the rest of ur life.U're doing well for God, keep up the good work and continue to serve Him wherever u're.CHeeer~!
ive been reading your entries. you've praised God for all things good-- big buildings, great turnout for worship, eventful meetings, PC upgrades, etc. what happens when things go down the drain? is a Christian's life meant to be smooth sailing all the while? will you still praise God when all you have to worship in is a broken down shed? when you have no money to buy a new pendrive? when you have no friends? no job?
and i can't help but wonder what your non-christian friends think when you bail out on them because of your 'responsibilities' at cf, eg dinner with your cg members.
"christians are self-centered"
"her christian friends come first before us"
"christians are only good friends with their own kind"
christians have successfully created a social club, exclusive members-only area. dont think so? how many non-christian friends have you talked to in a week, compared to your christian friends? i hope you dont forget that as God has called us to regularly meet up to encourage each other in the faith, He has also called us to be good examples to the rest of the world, because a great cloud of witnesses is watching our every action.
thank you for your feedback.
do you have problem with me praising God and giving thanks for all the good things in my life?
christain life is definitely not a bed of roses, i do encounter ups and downs in life, but
things i didn't wrote on my blog doesn't mean that it doesn't happened to me.
how many non-christian friends have you talked to in a week, compared to your christian friends?
well, indeed a lot, my roomie is a nonC, my core group of friends are nonC, i spent more time with my nonC friends
than my CF friends.
i must agree with you that some christians tend to create a social club, exclusive member club,but i am certainly not like tat.
darlin, i've obviously done wrong by judging you by your posts, and i'm terribly sorry. you seem like a sweet girl. dont get so worked up over anonymous comments. what i posted was a reminder to all, not pinpointing my finger on you. i can be terribly harsh on christians sometimes, my apologies, alright?
Anonymous is bad. Bad.... I am standing on Ee Chia's side. I can't think of anyone in CF that has got more non-Christians involved in CF work than Chia. Esp during CyberC. She maybe pretty kiddy (sometimes annoying you by using her cuteness to ask you to help her....), but she is honest and transparent in her struggles with her faith. Lost and confused like so many of us. Not putting up an air of superiority and holiness that you are leading a perfect Christian life like so many of you try so hard to potray. -gim
gim: thanks for ur comment ;). err.. dun think i had got the most nonC to join cyberC tho.. ;p anyway, thanks a lot, you had always been there in times of need
anonymous: mm... i dunno what to say to you. :D may i know who are you?
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