firstly is, i got to meet my ex-roomie which is now working as a stewardess in SIA, Weiteng (flora~eham eham). Peiling (my current roomie) drove me and Sam (dummyboy ;p - my housemate) to SK for supper with miss weiteng. hehe.. we had a great time of reunion. And i've learnt that being an air-hostess is not as easy as i tot. It's just like any other professional, you NEED to work hard in order to earn more. Yes, the paid certainly looks, but sacrifices have to be made as well.
secondly is, hahahahaha.. this is a cute one, i've never once in my life encounter this, i bet not many of you do as well. well well, this weekend, my friends, katak and shua, came to stay with me in Cyberjaya. They came back to look for a unit to stay after thier industrial traning ended.
As usual i go to church on Sunday morning, and i left both of them at home with my house keys. When i arrived home from church, i left my pink Precious Moment bible on my bed. When shua saw it, she was fascinated by it, and she likes it a lot, because it has cute pictures in it. Soon after, she asked me many questions about the bible. I did tried to explain to her, we covered topics like, Lucifer and the fallen angels to the birth of Chirst. But there's too much to talk about, and i myself am not very familiar with it. This reminds me to read my bible more often so that i could correspond the gospel of Chirst to others fluently.*blush*
Belows are some artclips from Precious Moment.

At the end of the conversation, she asked me if i could help her to get a Precious Moment bible. Stoned for a moment,(because i couldn't believe wat i heard) i asked why would she want a bible for. She justified that, bible being the best-selling book of all time has stirred her interest to know more about it. Amazing..
I would definitely be more willing to help her :D
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