today : Sunday, fourth day of CNY
Venue: Cybercafe
time : 7.29pm
i just came back from Kluang, my mum's hometown. went there for four days.. it was an eventful trips. stayed in my small aunt's place. met up wif my cousins and relatives.. those that i only meet once a year, which is during CNY.. or maybe twice,that's if someone is getting marry.
thursday :: first day of CNY
-went to Kluang, and played mah jong the whole day wif my cousins and brother. my mom went back to jb at evening for some function. my brother and i went out wif my cousin's frens. we went to halo cafe, it's new there, just opened for 6 months . later they decided to go to "jurassic pub" which is suppose to be a pub. ok, so we went there, cos we follow her(my cousin)fren's car mar................
*to be continued.. got to go back.. byeeeeeee ;)
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