Grand Prize??!? I beg your pardon; did you just say I won the
SWL SMS Contest by Digi? (I didn't expect to win another Grand Prize after
Mariah Carey's Charmbracelate concert in Malaysia last year)
Waawwww… first thing that come to my mind was..
Then, I doubted if I was hearing the
Digi guy who called me correctly. I still couldn’t believe it. It’s too… surreal..
ME GOIN TO TAIPEI TO CATCH Snow Wolf Lake lives for 3 DAYS with all expenses paid for!!! And it's for 2!! Can you believe it?
I feel like I’m floating in the air..couldn’t really digest it… yet. :p
Even though I had been waiting for that phone call for 5 days! I still couldn’t grasp it when I was told that I am the Grand Prize winner.
I was actually expecting for the First Prize. Hahaha.
Whoa.. Isn’t God amazing.. :) I still can’t believe that it’s real…
Hours of hours spent on finding the information online, feeling “
kan chiong” together with my “
chi-muis” (girl friends) when joining the contest, getting a new Digi number, buying Digi reload card are all paid off~
5 of us got ourselves a new Digi number just to join the contest. I managed to get answer the 50 questions correctly at my fourth attempt! I only got 45 points for my first 3 try. I guess, if I gave up and decided not to play anymore, I wouldn’t have won the contest (
which I actually did, God knows why did I reload and decided to play for the last time)!
I did say a little prayer before my fourth attempt though. : ) Plus, there were a
little complication on my last entry, almost didn’t make it through. I was jumping with joy when I got to know that I answer all the questions correctly. And I thank God for that.
After that, I claim that I’ll be going to watch
SWL. Hahaha. Everyone thinks that I’m err.. over confident :p
Benny is the one that inspire me to join the SMS contest. If he didn’t inform me, I wouldn’t have join, so,
thank you Benny & Suyin :) They won the First Prize! Congrats~!
Besides that I need to
thank my “chi-muis” for being so ever-supportive and so excited. All of us joined the contest together, and I actually expected every one of us to win grand prize or the first prize. Unfortunately, they are still waiting for the call.. Thank you, chailee, yenli, katak and ah mar :p
Ahh…. I feel like I’m on cloud 9 now..
I think I’ll be grinning in my sleep tonight..

Snow Wolf Lake
.SWL is a world class musical that ballets a captivating love odyssey.