finals is just around the corner and my first paper is on tuesday, and i have not really started my revision yet :( just not in the mood to study. What would the reasons be?
Am i too exhausted after my fyp?just finished my fyp last saturday, 29/3 and i think everything went well.
Thank God that everything went fine, tho it was abit last minutes.. but all glory to His Name. Cos, without Him, i do not think i could get it done on time. i only have like 2 weeks to complete my fyp, when i still have more than 50% to do, to be honest, 80%.
i had to learn up Servlet programming and J2ME's record management system in just 2 weeks. i know it very well that it is impossible for me to comprehend it in 2 weeks and then deploy it in my project. But nothing is impossible with God ;)
i thank God for a good topic and a good supervisor....
thank God for the many people that had somehow been there to guide me (vern tan, simon hoh, chailee, & more~ thank you ;) )
i thank God that we could complete this project in time..
ohh.. i was baptised on Easter Sunday, a day after my fyp presentation. :) mm how do i feel? at first i thot i might feel something different, like... i dunoo... Right after i baptised, i didn't feel anything :D. However, later at night, i somehow felt close to Jesus.. :D
and the day after i was baptised, many of my friends felt the tremor (result from the earthquake in Sumatra) except me. I was there, in the building, yet i feel nothing. Before i could think, my fren grabbed my hand and ran down from 5th floor to the ground. i just followed. But i did not feel any tremor. sigh..
Am i too exhausted after my fyp?just finished my fyp last saturday, 29/3 and i think everything went well.
Thank God that everything went fine, tho it was abit last minutes.. but all glory to His Name. Cos, without Him, i do not think i could get it done on time. i only have like 2 weeks to complete my fyp, when i still have more than 50% to do, to be honest, 80%.
i had to learn up Servlet programming and J2ME's record management system in just 2 weeks. i know it very well that it is impossible for me to comprehend it in 2 weeks and then deploy it in my project. But nothing is impossible with God ;)
i thank God for a good topic and a good supervisor....
thank God for the many people that had somehow been there to guide me (vern tan, simon hoh, chailee, & more~ thank you ;) )
i thank God that we could complete this project in time..
ohh.. i was baptised on Easter Sunday, a day after my fyp presentation. :) mm how do i feel? at first i thot i might feel something different, like... i dunoo... Right after i baptised, i didn't feel anything :D. However, later at night, i somehow felt close to Jesus.. :D
and the day after i was baptised, many of my friends felt the tremor (result from the earthquake in Sumatra) except me. I was there, in the building, yet i feel nothing. Before i could think, my fren grabbed my hand and ran down from 5th floor to the ground. i just followed. But i did not feel any tremor. sigh..